Spring is when I am the happiest.
As the bitter cold of the winter slips away, warm temperatures invade the air. People crawl out of their cocooned houses with lighter layers and smiles on their faces with intentions of enjoying the day outdoors. It stays lighter out later creating a feeling of added length to each day. With a sense of additional time, productivity is increased and more tasks are accomplished. The semester approaches the end of its duration, promising a short distance till summer. All things appear to be perfect.
Baseball season arrives! Go Red Sox! Go Palmer Panthers! I thoroughly enjoy following the Red Sox as they travel through their season of games. From time to time, I get the chance to visit Fenway Park to see a game with the luxury of my Uncle's season tickets. My brother also plays baseball for Palmer High School. He has grown up perfecting his game and striving to be the best player he can be. Not from a biased opinion, but he is an outstanding athlete who will have a promising future in the sport if he sets his mind to the task. I look forward to sitting in the cozy spring weather, behind home plate watching him defeat his opponents.
Spring is arriving and I am ecstatic! Although April showers are depressing, the anticipation for sunshine and flowers keep me going as I finalize many areas of my life to make room for new adventures.
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