Sunday, February 6, 2011


As I continue to watch updated news reports on the chaos occurring in Egypt, I can't help but think about how most Americans take their lives for granted.  We go about our daily routines which are made easier through the use of technology, transportation and accessible funds, rarely considering what other individuals are struggling with in order to survive within their society.  Growing up in a country where freedom is all we know, it's difficult for us to understand what it is like to be governed in a totalitarian society, where higher authorities make decisions for you and limit your access to necessities such as money, food and education.

On a recent broadcast, Cairo's government banned access to ATM machines, revoking citizens from receiving money from their already limited accounts.  They restricted stores from preparing and providing too much food for customers coming in searching for resources to feed their families.  The use of technology devices was limited so people did not have the choice of spreading negative news to any outsiders.  These restrictions were put into affect due to the actions of most citizens who were rebelling against the government.  Their desire for a democracy and more freedom pushed them to insanity.  Their rebelling actions have lead to excessive violences that have resulted in thousands of injuries and several casualities.    While watching clips of these outbursts, I feel as if I am watching a movie.

Then I think about how a day in my life would plan out.  I wake up in a house of love, warmth, and care with every possible resource I need to be presentable and to start my day off on a good note.  I have a car that transports me to any location I choose, that is filled with gas and maintenanced regularly to ensure quality performance.  I receive an education at a private school that pays for half of my studies.  I have endless sources of technology that allow me to stay in contact with family and friends who reside in all corners of the country.  I have a job where I make enough income to service my wants and needs.  I can eat at any time of the day and anywhere I choose, whether that be at home or at a restaurant.

Now that doesn't sound so bad, does it?  Yet, on a daily basis, I still find reasons to complain because of something I don't have or something that did not go my way.  Seeing what is happening in Egypt and how citizens of the country are being treated, it makes me second think how I act.  I easily take for granted what I have.  I also become frustrated over little problems that could not possibly amount to what other people face in order to live another day.  I realize now that we are not promised the end of today, tomorrow or even next, so it is very important to appreciate every moment life throws at you.

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